HI97732 สำหรับการวัดออกซิเจนในน้ำแบรนด์ Hanna เครื่องมือนี้ใช้หลักการและวิธีการอ้างอิงตาม Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater , 23rd edition, azide modified Winkler method เพื่อวัดความเข้มข้นของออกซิเจนที่ละลายในน้ำได้สูงถึง 10.0 มก./ลิตร (ppm)
ในการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำออกซิเจนละลายน้ำถือเป็นตัวแปรที่สำคัญที่สุดของคุณภาพน้ำ สัตว์น้ำส่วนใหญ่ต้องการออกซิเจนละลายน้ำอย่างน้อย 3 มก./ลิตร (ppm) แต่ควรใช้ 8 ถึง 10 มก./ลิตร (ppm)
CAL Check
Advanced features including CAL-Check to verify performance and if necessary, recalibrate.
Setup Options
Backlit dot matrix LCD that offers an exceptionally intuitive user interface
Tutorial Mode
Tutorial mode for step-by-step instructions to a first-time user in how to measurement.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) analysis measures the amount of gaseous oxygen (O2) dissolved in an aqueous solution. Dissolved oxygen is one of the most important parameters in aquatic systems.
DO is required for metabolism by aerobic organisms and also influences inorganic chemical reactions. Understanding of the solubility and dynamics of oxygen distribution is essential to interpreting both biological and chemical processes within water bodies.
Oxygen enters water by diffusion from the surrounding air by aeration (rapid movement) and as a product of photosynthesis. The amount of oxygen (or any gas) that can dissolve in pure water (saturation point) is inversely proportional to the temperature of the water; the warmer the water, the less dissolved oxygen is present.
In aquaculture, dissolved oxygen is arguably the most important parameter of water quality. Most aquatic species require a minimum of 3 mg/L (ppm) dissolved oxygen, but 8 to 10 mg/L (ppm) is preferable.
Specification HI97732
- Dissolved Oxygen Range 0.0 to 10.0 mg/L (as O2)
- Dissolved Oxygen Resolution 0.1 mg/L
- Dissolved Oxygen Accuracy ±0.4 mg/L ±3% of reading at 25°C
- Photometer/Colorimeter Light Source LED with 466 nm bandpass filter
- Photometer/Colorimeter Light Detector silicon photocell
- Cuvette Type round 24.6 mm diameter (22 mm inside)
- Display 128 x 64 pixel B/W LCD with backlight
- Logging Memory 50 readings
- Battery Type/Life 1.5 V AA Alkaline
- Automatic Shut-Off after 15 minutes of inactivity
- Weight 380 g
- Dimensions 142.5 x 102.5 x 50.5 mm